CHARISMA Raman Tools


GitHub - h2020charisma/ramanchada2: Harmonising Raman spectroscopy, an open-source, MIT-licensed, Python package that collects existing and novel state-of-the-art algorithms allowing the users to process Raman spectra, perform energy and efficiency calibrations and generate synthetic spectra based on user specification and/or data from DFT simulations.


GitHub - h2020charisma/oranchada: Orange workflow add-on for processing Raman spectra, a user-friendly wrapper of all ramanchada2 functionality. It is available as an add-on for the popular data mining software Orange. The main advantage of Orange is its intuitive and visually-driven approach, making it user-friendly and accessible to individuals, including those without extensive programming expertise. Harmonization protocols recommended by CHARISMA domain experts have been implemented as Orange workflows

Other open-access Raman tools:
All Things Raman

All Things Raman - a collection of over 70 open-source packages and libraries related to Raman spectra processing

Altaxo Altaxo is a plotting and data analysis program with a graphical user interface for fast and convenient data analysis. Altaxo was improved during the CHARISMA project.

CHARISMA Fact Sheets for Raman spectroscopy in industrial processes